Thursday 9 June 2011

Terrific Takings and an Offer of Some Work - All in One Day!!

Wooo! When I was walking into college today I said to myself "Right, I am going to make at least £48 today as that is the amount I need to break even!" So for the whole day, that is what I committed to do. At times it was slow, then there were other times when I sold more, but I was pleased with the final outcome, which was that I managed to make £53!
I have learnt from today that when you are determined to achieve, you are much more likely to succeed, so I should definitely try and do this again in the future. Setting yourself a target that is high but achievable produces better results. On days when I did not set myself a target, I tended to sell less.
Another exciting thing that happened today was that Michelle Morton-Banks, from Internal Communications at Ravensbourne, asked me if I would like to do some animating for the website of a magazine called Angalossy that she is working on. I have been working with her to try to sort out the advertising on the television screens around Ravensbourne. Unfortunately, I may not be able to help as I need to finish my animation for my degree and then I will be on holiday for most of July. But it was great to have been offered the opportunity and I felt very pleased to be asked.  

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Last 2 Days Takings

In the last 2 days I am not so pleased with my takings. Yesterday I joined my friends and we all sat on a few tables together on the 4th floor, near the desk. Overall today I took about the same amount as the first day, when I was not as confident (£23). I am determined to cover my costs and hopefully make a decent profit! Today I was selling them again on Level 0, which was definitely better, but not as much as I hoped :/ The sales today were £35, the crowed was difficult! There was another stall there for a while that I did not see sell anything at all! But it just shows that the siting of the sales point is really important.

Monday 6 June 2011

£7.50 More!

Further sales to a friend outside college and I received £7.50 from him buying 9 wristbands! Woohoo!

Sunday 5 June 2011

I Made Another £10 today.

Today I sold some more wristbands to friends and got another £10. It's not amazing, but I am feeling pleased that I did get any sales. I tried selling outside the o2 arena but couldn't sell any at all. I thought that I would be able to sell to tourists but the people I approached  seemed to be thinking that I didn't look official enough - some sort of scam even!

Thursday 2 June 2011

Sales Good...But Not As Good As Yesterday

Today I made £35.30p which obviously is not as good as yesterday! Things haven't been as easy as I originally was hoping for. One other problem that must have pulled the sales down was I started selling later than I wanted to. The  reason for this was the table that I usually use from under the stairs was being used for the SU Election. I then had to wait for another one to be brought through and I also disappointingly needed to leave earlier than usual. So it also ended just after two o 'clock.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Sales Today!!

I am really pleased with my sales today, it clearly showed that they were improved and that it is how I need to act all the time! The total profit of the day was £77!
I started very slowly today and at first I was very worried that I wouldn't make much at all! So I did keep selling for longer than I planned to. For example instead of 12:30-2:00pm I kept going until just after 5:30, as I really wanted to catch up from the bad start. Also Jill Hogan introduced me to some people who were buying 3 wristbands and later to the man who created the Ravensbourne logo.
Overall, I am feeling more confident at approaching people and I am learning what works and what doesn't. Using humour really helps too! A Security Man on Level 0 helped me to get people over for some of the time, which also helped.

Monday 30 May 2011

Sold to Alistair Stewart!

Alistair Stewart walked into the college today and I called over to him "Would you like a Ravensbourne wristband? The money is going towards our degree show".
He then said "Oh yes - I'll have an orange one please!"