Thursday 9 June 2011

Terrific Takings and an Offer of Some Work - All in One Day!!

Wooo! When I was walking into college today I said to myself "Right, I am going to make at least £48 today as that is the amount I need to break even!" So for the whole day, that is what I committed to do. At times it was slow, then there were other times when I sold more, but I was pleased with the final outcome, which was that I managed to make £53!
I have learnt from today that when you are determined to achieve, you are much more likely to succeed, so I should definitely try and do this again in the future. Setting yourself a target that is high but achievable produces better results. On days when I did not set myself a target, I tended to sell less.
Another exciting thing that happened today was that Michelle Morton-Banks, from Internal Communications at Ravensbourne, asked me if I would like to do some animating for the website of a magazine called Angalossy that she is working on. I have been working with her to try to sort out the advertising on the television screens around Ravensbourne. Unfortunately, I may not be able to help as I need to finish my animation for my degree and then I will be on holiday for most of July. But it was great to have been offered the opportunity and I felt very pleased to be asked.  

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