Thursday 28 April 2011

Email from Jill, with brand requirements.


as discussed here is the link to our brand guidelines:


colour suggestions:

fluoro orange
bright purple
lime green
metallic champagne/gold

wording suggestions:

Ravensbourne  |   |   @RavensbourneUK

degree show specific:

@ravensbourne11   |

any questions please ask



Jill Hogan
Head of Marketing and Communications
m  07912 999312

follow us:

Ravensbourne - shortlisted for the RIBA Awards for London 2011

Get Wristbands Out For Sale As Early As Possible

I have a plan to try and release the wristbands on sale as soon as possible. I think that if they are released later people would not want to spend as much money on them, as more products will be on sale so it is likely that they would have payed for other products.

Meeting with Jill Hogan

This morning when I arrived at college (10:30), I had a meeting with Jill Hogan (Head of Marketing and Communications) to talk to her about whether I am allowed to go ahead with the wristbands idea, as I would need to present the right look for the University. There were also a few other questions to work out e.g. what colours would be ok to use?,  if my design idea is ok?, what font?. She also suggested other ideas, like including the email or twitter web address on the back for people who are thinking of joining Ravensbourne....or who do not know them.
I was also very pleased by something that Jill told me at the end of our meeting. She said that if the sales do well Ravensbourne are thinking of carrying on with the idea when I have finished! 

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Emails For Permission

Dear Ms Howell

My team have come up with an idea for our E and E assignment of selling silicone wristbands with the college name and logo on them. The profit we make would be given to the college and would be going towards the degree show. I am trying to find out who I would need to ask at the college regarding permission to use the Ravensbourne logo and name. I wondered if you would be able to tell me who I should contact, please. I am sorry to bother you with this, especially over Easter, but we have very little time to place our order. (The assignment only started this term.)
Thank you very much for your help.

Kind Regards 

Stephen Pender

No problem and I have included Jill Hogan the Head of Marketing in my response to work with you on the idea

Sent from my iPhone

Dear Barbara and Jill, 
Thank you very much for your reply Barbara. 
I have been researching this more today and I think that we would like to order some silicone wristbands with RAVENSBOURNE debossed on them and over-printed in a colour. Then we hope to have the shapes of the Ravensbourne logo added at each end of the lettering. We thought about having beige bands with black lettering and black bands with white lettering and hopefully these would sell at either £1 or £1.50 each. I checked and the wristbands which are just printed do wear off quickly so I think that the debossed would be better. 
I just wanted to check with you both that the college does not have a problem with my team going ahead with this.
Thank you again for your help.


I am happy for you to go ahead if Jill is ok with logos etc.

thanks Barbara
- Show quoted text -
Barbara Howell
Head of Faculty Communication Media
6 Penrose Way
SE10 0EW

Academia edu:

DD: 020 8289 4949
M: 07891053387

Hi Stephen 

I don't have a problem with this, but I must see the artwork before you commit to production please.

I would suggest that part of the attraction of these bands is a good, vibrant colour. Black and beige sound a bit dull. We are using an almost fluoro orange in our digital prospectus and that would be a good colour for the bands, and on brand too. You can check the pantone reference with me to get a good match.



Jill Hogan
Head of Marketing and Communications
m  07912 999312

follow us:

Ravensbourne - shortlisted for the RIBA Awards for London 2011

Hi Jill

Thank you very much for your reply. I am really pleased that you are ok with my idea. I get your point about the fluoro orange -  I think this would look good and I am happy with that, although I will need to see if I can source that colour in the time available. But I am thinking could we have a second colour choice for people who do not like orange? I was thinking about the colours within the logo/building design? I wondered if I would be able to come and see you tomorrow to talk things over with you please? I will be in college from around 10.30. 
Thank you for your help.


Group Breaking Up

Today a sad event happened. Our group decided to break up :(. When we had our meeting we agreed, after a long talk, that as we all had separate ideas that were all very different and didn't fit together. The ideas are ... wristbands, face-painting, bookmarks, buttons and keyrings. We didn't have an idea to link them, for example my wristbands will say Ravensbourne on them, but the face-painting, bookmarks etc will not have the college name on them. I want to focus on the Ravensbourne merchandise idea because I feel there is a gap in the market which I can capitalise on. But no-one else wants to do this. So for now we have decided to all work on our own ideas.

Monday 25 April 2011

Silicone Wristband Research

Silicone Wristbands Research Link 

The link above will take you to the website that I am likely to order the bands from

Here (above) is a screen-shot of the website that I will probably use. The silicone bands shown are also the ones that I am most likely to go for.

 I am also interested in the USB silicone wristbands above. They sell these at the same website that I mentioned.  I am more likely to buy the wristbands from this company as they have a good offer at the moment and so their prices seem the most reasonable. Plus the delivery time is ok.

I found the website above called promotional-merchandise and under the wristband section it was showing me a lot of websites. Some of them didn't work and some were too expensive, but apart from that it is a very good site. It was helpful to identify the various companies which supply wristbands.

The above website did look like one that would have been good, but it is American so the wristbands would take too long to be delivered. One problem I have found when I have been researching is that there are not many UK companies, and some, when I clicked on buttons to find out the price, took me to USA websites. This obviously lost my interest.

I like the look of this website, which I found when researching the USB wristbands. It looks like it has some good offers on, so I will have to try calling them for a price. It always puts me off a bit, when companies want customers to call them to find out the price. I don't think it would be much trouble for them to put a way for you to work the cost out on their site. I have found some where you can do that and adband is one example (see top of post) 

Sunday 24 April 2011

Second Skype Meeting

Today we had our second Skype meeting to clarify what we thought of the ideas that we researched. Everybody (excluding Clym) still feels happy with their own idea. I still like mine which is Ravensbourne wristbands, so we are all sticking with doing our own suggestions for now.

Friday 22 April 2011

Idea - Wristbands

My new idea (now my favourite and no longer a secret) is to sell wristbands with 'Ravensbourne' on them. I also want the uni' logo either side. I think this idea is a good business opportunity, as the new college building is right opposite the o2 Arena and iconic in design, yet the uni' does not have any merchandise to capitalise on the Ravensbourne brand.
I also like the idea (I have also found them from research) of selling 2gb USB wristbands. I think people from the Uni would really like them, they just have a clip on the one side so you can leave them on your wrist. They would be very useful to students and feature the Ravensbourne name and logo.

Researching Ideas

Today I started to research all of my ideas. I also thought of another idea, which I am very pleased with. It has been difficult to find things out about SU events, which was one idea that I had. I have found a page with a lot of tips on it though. I have spent lots of time researching my new idea and discovered a lot! It has now become my favourite idea so far - I just hope my group like it. I am not saying anything yet in case anyone else from another team copies, so it is a secret for now!!

E&E Group Blog

Here is a group blog link that I have just created. I have just put the first comment on there and sent out on facebook a message to the rest of the group saying the web address, email address and password that I have used.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Skype Meeting

We have had our first proper Skype meeting last night. We were all present for it. The call went on for quite a long time and we were all trying to present our own ideas to each other, but this did not help us decide. I guess we all stuck with our own ideas too much, so we are all presenting them again (with research) to each other in our next Skype meeting on Sunday. We need to find some common ground.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

The Presentation

Today we had our first E and E presentation by LinnĂ©a Dimitriou. It was about what we need to do in this assignment for example
  • Raise money for degree show
  • Carry out an enterprise to generate money
  • Test the market
  • Who knows how to make a pencil?
After the presentation we were recommended to move around the tables and talk to other people in the room. 
I got in a group with Emma Wyton, Michelle Vinall and Clym Smith. They are colleagues that I have worked with before and I know I get on with.

We then had our first meeting and tried to think of ideas. Some of the ones that have been thought of so far are:

  • Face-painting
  • SU Event
  • Jewellery
  • Button, Keyrings
  • Selling T-Shirts with designs on them
  • 3D Models made in Maya